Introductory courses in women, gender and sexuality studies introduce students to research through information fluency projects. Students conduct research in women’s studies as well as feminist research in traditional disciplines such as English, classics or art history.
Current student research projects include:
- "Faith in Oppression: The Relationship Between Religion, Gender and the Environment in Developing India"
- "Searching for Susan: A Theatre and Dance Inquiry"
- "Child-bearing Patterns Among the Working Poor"
- "Balancing Work and Life: Female Employees' Use of Corporate Flex Programs at Capital One"
- "Re-Thinking AIDS"
Grants and Other Research Opportunities
Students also have been successful in obtaining outside grants to support undergraduate research. The Barnard Center for Research on Women and the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at CUNY have provided opportunities for our students and faculty.
Summer Research
Students can apply for research fellowships through the School of Arts & Sciences to support on-campus research over the summer. The grants include a stipend to cover living expenses for a 10-week period.
Scholarship Repository Readership
The University of Richmond's Scholarship Repository shares faculty publications with a worldwide audience. The map below shows where articles from WGSS faculty are being read around the globe.