Nick Dease
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Telling Crucial Stories: Social Justice, Data, and Interactive Art in Student Projects, Panel Moderator, HASTAC 2023 :Critical Making & Social Justice, Brooklyn, NY. June 2023
A Pandemic Pivot: From Paper Thesis Submissions to ETDs, Hybrid Presentation, USETDA 2022, Cleveland, OH. September 2022.
Using jsPDF to build a thesis title page generator, Poster Presentation, Code4Lib 2022, Buffalo, NY. May 2022.
CSS Frameworks for Website Interfaces, Presentation, Internet Librarian 2020, Online. September 2020.
Web Design for UX: Simplifying Information Architecture, Presentation, Computers in Libraries 2020, Online. September 2020.
Customizing WebPac Pro with Bootstrap to Improve User Experience, Poster Presentation, Code4Lib 2020, Pittsburgh, PA. March 2020.
Accessibility For All: Inclusive Design in Libraries and Academia, Co-organizer, Pratt Institute Libraries, Brooklyn NY, April 2019
User Experience Panel, 2018, panelist, School of Information, Pratt Institute InfoShow. (invited)
Diversifying the Curriculum: Mini talk, School of Information, Pratt Institute, April 11, 2019 (invited)
Professional Experience
Film and Humanities Librarian - University of Richmond (2023 - Present)
User Experience Librarian, Assistant Professor - Pratt Institute (2018-2023)
Reference Clerk - Pratt Institute (2014-2018)
Public Services Clerk - Pratt Institute (2014)
Noble Desktop. Front-End Web Development Certificate, 2021, New York, NY. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Flexbox & Grid, Bootstrap, Git.
Journal ArticlesTetiana Hranchak, Nicholas Dease, Irene Lopatovska. (2022). Mobile Phone Use Among Ukrainian and US Students: a Library Perspective. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication.Nicholas Dease, Elena Villaespesa, Craig Macdonald. (2020) Working Together: Using student-driven UX projects to improve library websites. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 27(2-4).Irene Lopatovska, Tiffany Carcamo, Nicholas Dease, Elijah Jonas, Simen Kot, Grace Pamperien, … Kurt Yalcin (2018). Not just a pretty picture part two: testing a visual literacy program for young children. Journal of Documentation, (3), 588. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-08-2017-0119.Nicholas Dease. (2021). Introduction to Digital Humanities. Magazines for Libraries, 30th Edition. Ann Arbor: ProQuest.Nicholas Dease. (2021). Bridging the User Interface Gap: Bulma, Bootstrap, and Foundation. Online Searcher, 45(2), 20–24.Book ChaptersNicholas Dease. (2020) Chapter 25: How to Create an Arcade Program in the Library. In Kroski, Ellyssa, 52 Ready-to-Use Gaming Programs for Libraries. ALA Editions/Neal-Schuman. 978-0-8389-4734-0ReviewsNicholas Dease. (2022) Feral Atlas (Review). ARLIS Multimedia & Technology Reviews. https://doi.org/10.17613/5qk0-hr06Nicholas Dease. (2019). Medieval England and France, 700-1200 (Review). ARLIS Multimedia & Technology Reviews.