Mr. Jeremy Drummond
Jeremy Drummond was born in Edmonton, Alberta and grew-up in Vancouver, British Columbia and Toronto, Ontario. He received a BFA in Studio Arts from the University of Western Ontario and a MFA in Art Media Studies from Syracuse University. Drummond lives in Richmond, Virginia where he is a professor of experimental film, video art, and alternative media in the Department of Art & Art History, University of Richmond.
Rooted in single-channel video, Drummond's work extends across a variety of media and is informed by interdisciplinary research and fieldwork. Since 2015, Drummond has worked extensively with artist David Poolman (Toronto) as Never Met A Stranger -- a collaborative platform for the production of art and experimental media, a publisher of vernacular arts and culture, and an ongoing archive of field recordings, interviews, and documentary resources that collectively explore relationships between perception and representation, industry and the environment, and landscape and culture that exist beyond the confines of mainstream media.
Drummond's work has been exhibited in festivals, galleries and museums worldwide. His films and videos have received awards such as the National Film Board of Canada award for Best Canadian Film or Video Maker at the Images Festival of Independent Film, Video and New Media (Toronto), Best Experimental Video at the Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival, the People's Choice Award at the New Forms Festival (Vancouver), and the No Budget Award at the Cinematexas Festival of International Film & Video (Austin). He has received grants and fellowships from the Canada Council for the Arts, the National Film Board of Canada, and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Drummond's films and videos are distributed internationally by the Netherlands Media Art Institute (Amsterdam), Videographe (Montreal), Video Out (Vancouver), Video Pool Inc. (Winnipeg), and Vtape (Toronto). His printed works are available from Art Metropole (Toronto), Printed Matter Inc. (NYC) and the New Museum of Contemporary Art (NYC).
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2017 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, A&S Student Symposium
Mednick Memorial Fellowship, Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges (Richmond, VA)
Assistance to Visual Artists: Project Grant, Canada Council for the Arts (Ottawa, ON)
Fellowship for Professional Artists, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, VA)
Residency Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center (Johnston, VT)
National Film Board of Canada Award, Images Festival of Independent Film, Video and New Media (Toronto, ON)
Best Experimental Video, Reeling: Chicago Lesbian and Gay International Film Festival (Chicago, IL)
People’s Choice Award, New Forms Festival (Vancouver, BC)
No Budget Award, Cinematexas Festival of Short Film and Video (Austin, TX)
Journal Articles
Arroyo, María Antonia Blanco. “Globalización Y Ciudad Genérica: Discurso Fotográficos Del Paisaje Antrópico Actual,” Ciudad Y Artes Visuales, Miguel Ángel Chaves Martín (Ed.), Grupo de Investigación Arte, Arquitectura y Comunicación en la Ciudad Contemporánea. Universidad Complutense de Madrid in collaboration with Departmento de Historia del Arte y Patrimonio, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, (Madrid, Spain)
Mockler, Kathryn (Editor). “Grave Architecture,” The Rusty Toque: An Online Literary, Film, and Art Journal (Toronto, ON)
Blair, Fornwald. “From Me To You: A Video Mixtape/My Heart the Mixtape,” DAG Volumes: No 2, Dunlop Art Gallery, (Regina, SK)
Edelstein, Susan. Mahon, Patrick. “Barroco Nova: Neo-Baroque Moves in Contemporary Art,” University of Western Ontario & Museum London (London, ON)
Calvelli, John. “The Unstable Image,” The New Gallery (Calgary, AB)
Soron, Dennis. “65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living & Other Works,” Niagara Artists Centre (St. Catharines, ON)
Hampton, J.G. “Natural Forms,” Neutral Ground (Regina, SK)
Blais, Pamela. “Perverse Cities: Hidden Subsidies,” University of British Columbia Press (Vancouver,BC)
Najafi, Sina. “65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living,” Cabinet: A Quarterly of Art and Culture, Summer 2010, Issue 38: Islands, Cabinet Magazine (Brooklyn, NY)
McLeod, Scott. “Portfolio: 65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living,” Prefix Photo 19: Image Banks, Vol. 10, No. 4, Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art (Toronto, ON)
Whitehead, Vagner M. “Contemporary Flanerie: Reconfiguring Cities,” Oakland University Art Gallery (Rochester, MI)
Bertrand, Anee. Roelants, Herve. Wright, Stephen. “Faire Comme Si Tout Allait Bien (As If All Were Well)”, Livraison No. 10, Rhinocerous (Strasbourg, France) and Centre des Arts Actuels
Skol (Montreal, QC)
Moore, Cindy Stockton. Jeremy Drummond: Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Anderson Gallery, Drake University (Des Moines, IA)
Kennedy, Chris. Taylor, Tom. Blueprint: Moving Images in the 21st Century, Pleasure Dome, ISBN: 0-96821153-4 (Toronto, ON)
Mathieu, Paul. Sex Pots: Eroticism in Ceramics, Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick, NJ)Art & media publications:
As Has It, 240-page book w/ 2xCD, Never Met A Stranger, 2021
Martha Spencer: The Grassy Creek Session, 7" vinyl record, Never Met A Stranger, 2020
The Uncommitted, vinyl LP, Never Met A Stranger, 2019
Eddie Bond, Karen Carr, Donald Hill, and Peco Watson: The Fries Session, CD, Never Met A Stranger, 2019
Thornton Spencer: Things Left Behind, CD, Never Met A Stranger, 2018
Old Time Mountain Music and Other Songs, vinyl LP, Never Met A Stranger, 2018
The Uncommitted, cassette, Never Met A Stranger, 2018
65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living, Box of 65 postcards/Edition of 200, Self-Published, 2009
Select film and video festivals:
Pantalla Fantasma Festival Extrano de Cine/Sonido (Donostia, Basque Country, Spain)
Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival (Hawick, UK)
Board and Bread: Moving Image Works from London and Thereabouts, VideoFag (Toronto, ON)
Videographe Unveiled, Videographe (Montreal, QC)
Fear of the Other, Videographe (Montreal, QC)
Man Versus Nature, Ed Video Media Arts Center (Guelph, ON)
Video Fireball, Fire Hazards: Video Art from Syracuse, New York, Artists Television Access (San Francisco, CA)
Signal and Noise Festival of Sound, Video and New Media (2006), VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver, BC)
Transmediale.06: International Media Art Festival (Berlin, Germany)
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm – Und Videofest (2005), Bali Kinos, Filmladen (Kassel, Germany)
MedFilm Festival (Rome, Italy)
Third Practice Festival of Electro-Acoustic Music, University of Richmond (Richmond,VA)
SeNef: The 6th Annual Seoul Net and Film Festival (Seoul, South Korea)
Photophobia, Hamilton Artists Inc. and Hamilton Media Arts Centre (Hamilton, ON)
UPH 10: Urbanite/Peripherie/Habitat, Galerie Verticale (Montreal, QC)
Images Festival of Independent Film, Video and New Media (2005), (Toronto, ON)
Signal & Noise Festival of Sound, Video and New Media (2005), VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver, BC)
International Festival of Film on Art (Montreal, QC) Curated by Nicole Gingras
Scope NYC, Presented by 640480 (New York, NY)
Canal Loop: Art Barcelona (2005), Curated by Sigismond de Vajay (Barcelona, Spain)
20th Annual Interfilm International Short Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
7th Annual Antimatter Festival of Underground Short Film and Video, Open Space Arts Centre (Victoria, BC)
Urban Reels Series, Merchant Park (Winnipeg, MB)
Lato Filmow: Film and Art Festival (Kazimierz Dolny, Poland)
Signal and Noise: Festival of Sound, Video and New Media (2004), VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver, BC)
Queer Zagreb, Cinema Tukanac (Zagreb, Croatia)
14th Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage (Hamburg, Germany)
Me Unarodni Festival Novog Filma, Zapis: Bilten Hrvatskog Filmskog Saveza (Zagreb, Croatia)
Mix: 17th Annual Lesbian and Gay Experimental Film-Video Festival, Anthology Film Archives (New York, NY)
Canal Loop: Art Bracelona (2003), Curated by Sigismond de Vajay (Barcelona, Spain)
Independent Film and Video Alliance, Curated by Brenda Cleniuk, (Regina, SK)
Reeling: 22nd Chicago Lesbian and Gay International Film Festival, Chicago Filmmakers (Chicago, IL)
G-niale Festival, Curated by Nicole Gingras (Stralsund, Germany)
Split Film Festival, Curated by Nicole Gingras (Split, Croatia)
New Forms Festival (Vancouver, BC)
Itau Cultural (Sao Paolo, Brazil)
Image + Nation: Festival international de cinema gai et lesbien de Montreal, Cinema Parisien (Montreal, QC)
Moscow International Film Festival, Curated by Katherine Liberovskaya (Moscow, Russia)
Garage 2003, Curated by Nicole Gingras (Stralsund, Germany)
Festival de theatre de rue de Shawinigan, Centre en Art Actuel, Curated by Yves Doyon (Shawinigan, QC)
Videoformes’ Videotheque Ephemere (Claremont-Ferrand, France)
Scratch Projections: Stealing To Subvert, Curated by Maija Martin (Paris, France)
WRO 2003: Globilica, Media Art Biennale, Curated by Maija Martin & Winston Xin (Wrocraw, Poland)
10th Annual Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, Bloor Cinema (Toronto, ON)
21st International Festival of Film on Art, Musee d’art Contemporain and Musee McCord (Montreal, QC)
Video Now!, Everson Museum of Art, Curated by Tom Sherman (Syracuse. NY)
Reel Queer International Film Festival, Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY)
2nd Annual Singapore Shorts Film Festival, Substation Guinness Theatre (Singapore)
Croyden Cuts Film Festival, Croyden Clocktower Arts Centre (London, UK)
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm – Und Videofest (2002), Bali Kinos, Filmladen (Kassel,Germany)
5th Annual Antimatter Festival of Underground Short Film and Video, Open Space Arts Centre (Victoria, BC)
Red Bank International Film Festival, Clearview Cinemas (Red Bank, NJ)
Boys and Girls, The Blinding Light! Cinema, Curated by Kim Dawn and Scott Russell (Vancouver, BC)
Bellevue Art Museum Film and Video Festival, Bellevue Art Museum (Bellevue, WA)
8th Annual Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Philadelphia Film Society (Philadelphia, PA)
Lausanne Underground Film and Video Festival (Lausanne, Switzerland)
8th Annual San Antonio Underground Film Festival, Curated by Adam Rocha (San Antonio, TX)
New Experimental Works, Artists Television Access, Presented by Othercinema, Curated by Craig Baldwin (San Francisco)
Thaw 02, Institute for Cinema and Culture, University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA)
15th Annual Images Festival of Independent Film, Video and New Media (Toronto, ON)
Signal & Noise: Festival of Sound, Video and New Media (2002), VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver, BC)
4th Annual Vancouver Underground Film Festival, Blinding Light! Cinema (Vancouver, BC)
5th International Biennale of Video and New Media (Santiago, Chile)
42nd International Thessaloniki Film Festival (Athens, Greece)
6th Manchester International Short Film Festival (Manchester, UK)
Blowing the Trumpets to the Tulips, Agnes Etherington Art Center, Queen’s University (Kingston, ON)
4th Annual Antimatter Festival of Underground Short Film and Video, Open Space Arts Center (Victoria, BC)
Cinematexas: 6th Annual Short Film and Video Festival (Austin, TX)
8th Annual Chicago Underground Film and Video Festival (Chicago, IL)
Nothing Much, La Parraderia, Curated by Jenifer Papararo (Mexico City, Mexico)
14th Annual Images Festival of Independent Film, Video and New Media (Toronto,ON)
8th Annual New York Underground Film Festival, Curated by Ed Halter, Lincoln Center (New York, NY)
A Blueprint for Moving Images in the 21st Century, Pleasure Dome (Toronto, ON)
Toronto New Works Show, Pleasure Dome (Toronto, ON)
13th Annual Images Festival of Independent Film, Video and New Media (Toronto, ON)
Takes One To Know One, Church of Pointless Hysteria, Curated by Luis Jacob (Vancouver, BC)
Emerging Video, Gallery 101 (Ottawa, ON)
Media City Festival, Curated by Jeremy Rigsby, House of Toast/Artcite Gallery Inc. (Windsor, ON)
The Time it Takes to Eat a Sandwich, Depot Gallery/Brasilica, Curated by Michael Buckland (Vienna, Austria)
Select solo and two-person exhibitions:
Dark Holler (Never Met A Stranger), Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival (Hawick, UK)
Dark Holler (Never Met A Stranger),Pantalla Fantasma Festival Extrano de Cine/Sonido (Donastia, Basque Country, Spain)
Today, 49 Shades of Grey and Other Works, ADA Gallery (Richmond, VA)
65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living and Other Works, Niagara Artists Co. (St.Catharines, ON)
65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living, The New Gallery (Calgary, AB)
Counter Cartographies (with Hoang Pham), The Front (New Orleans, LA)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, McLean Project for the Arts (McLean, VA)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Cambridge Galleries (Cambridge, ON)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Latitude 53 Contemporary Visual Culture (Edmonton, AB)
Grave Architecture, Pearson Toronto International Airport, No. 9 Contemporary Art and the Environment (Toronto, ON)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Arlington Arts Center (Arlington, VA)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Centre des Arts Actuels Skol (Montreal, QC)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Artspace (Peterborough, ON)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Anderson Gallery (Des Moines, IA)
65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living, Eyelevel Gallery, with Scott Rogers/Arbor Lake School (Halifax, NS)
65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living, 1708 Gallery, with Rod Northcott (Richmond, VA)
Select group exhibitions:
Troubles, Centre Clark (Montreal, QC), Artists: Pierre Ayotte, Laëtitia Bourget, Pier-Philippe Chevigny, Donigan Cumming, Jeremy Drummond, Alexandra Grimanis, Pascal Lièvre, Frédéric Moffet
A Brand New World, Videographe (Montreal, QC), Curated by Denis Vallaincourt
Assembled: From Me To You, Dunlop Art Gallery (Regina, SK) and Vtape (Toronto, ON), Curated by Blair Fornwald, Artists: Sarah Abbott and Jeremy Drummond, Nelson Henricks, Deirdre Logue, Jinhan Ko, Steve Reinke, David Poolman, Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, and Alison S.M. Kobayashi
Barroco Nova: Neo Baroque Moves in Contemporary Art, The ArtLab, University of Western Ontario (London, ON), Curated by Susan Edelstein and Patrick Mahon, Artists: David Altmejd, Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, Shary Boyle, Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber, Jeremy Drummond, Brendan Fernandes, Kelly Jazvec, Luanne Martineau, Kent Monkman, Kathy Slade, Brendan Tang, Diana Thater, Rhonda Weppler & Trevor Mahovsky, Kelly Wood, and Jin-me Yoon
Scrapes: Unruly Embodiments in Video Art, McMaster Museum of Fine Arts, McMaster University (Hamilton, ON), Curated by Sarah Brophy and Janice Hladki, Artists: Back to Back Theatre/Theatre of Speed, Aleesa Cohene, Jeremy Drummond, John Greyson, Deirdre Logue, Jorge Lozano, Allyson Mitchell & Christina Zeidler, Shelley Niro, Lisa Steele, Anna Tsouhlarakis, Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby
Natural Forms, Neutral Ground Contemporary Art Forum (Saskatoon, SK), Curated by JG Hampton, Artists: Crystal Mowry, Barbara Meneley, Jeremy Drummond, Jocelyn Philibert, and Robert Hengeveld
HyperReal World: Landscape as Commodity, Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts (Tallahassee, FL), Curated by Daniel Kariko, Artists: Alexander Heilner, Bethany Souza, Dana Fritz, Dawn Roe, David Graham White, E. Brady Robinson, Jeremy Drummond, Justin James Reed, Katy Higgins, Kyle Ford, Mike Reinders, Patrick Craig Manning, Steven Benson, and Ruth Dusseault
Dragging my video camera down the front steps, Vtape, (Toronto, ON), Curated by John Shipman, Artists: Leslie Peters, Jeremy Drummond, Vanessa Renwick, Gunilla Josephson, Tom Sherman & Jean Piche, Samuel Chow, Steve Reinke, and Martha Wilson
Artists Survey the Green Belt, Gallery 1313 (Toronto, ON), Curated by Patrick Macaulay and Phil Anderso, Artists: Elizabeth Chitty, Michael Davey & Delwyn Higgens , Vid Ingelevics, Martha Eleen, Daniel Durocher, Jeremy Drummond, Irene Cymbal, Steve White, Warren Quigley, and Brad Emsley
Scope Miami, Represented by ADA Gallery (Miami, FL), Artists: Jeremy Drummond, George Kuchar, Shannon Wright, Bruce Wilhelm, and Chris Verene
Multiples, N.O. Gallery (Milan, Italy), Artists: A Constructed World, Yuri Ancarani, Nicole Bachmann, Olivier Babin, Davide Bertocchi, Alighiero Boetti, A.A.Bronson, Caryl Burtner, Claude Closky, Raffaella Della Olga, Jeremy Drummond, Moreno Gentili, Jim Johnson, Albert Lamorisse, Mathieu Mercier, David Shrigley, Zoe Strauss, Rirkirt Tiravanja, and Massimo Uberti
Contemporary Flanerie: Reconfiguring Cities, Oakland University Art Gallery (Rochester, MI), Curated by Vagner M. Whitehead, Artists: Daniel Blochwitz, Christophe Boete, Eirini Boukla, Penelope Cain, Sean Capone, Antonia Carrara, Claude Chuzel, George Drivas, Jeremy Drummond, Jörn Ebner, Flore Gardner, Lutz Gregor, Henry Gwiazda, Claire Hodge, Leon Johnson, Masayo Kajimura, Cyriaco Lopes & Terri Witek, Richard Metzgar, Richard O'Sullivan, Valeska Maria Populoh, Glynnis Reed, Alexander Reyna, Ryan Roa, Stephen Schulz, Olja Stipanovic, Sylvia Winkler & Stephan Koeperl, and Jody Zellen
You Open So Late, You Close So Early, Fleisher/Ollman Gallery (Philadelphia, PA), Curated by Amy Adams, Patrick Blake, Claire Iltis and Heather Shoemaker, Artists: David Clayton, Jeremy Drummond, Billy & Steven Dufala, Charles Hobbs, Nick Lenker, Alex Lukas, C. Pazia Mannella, Nick Paparone, Josh Rickards, Mark Stockton and Shawn Thornton
Don’t Go In The Woods, Blackwood Galleries, University of Toronto at Mississauga (Mississauga, ON), Curated by David Poolman, Artists: Jeremy Drummond, Tasman Richardson, and Deborah Stratman
Ways of Seeing, Maryland Art Place (Baltimore, MD), Curated by Julie Ann Cavnor, Artists: Jeremy Drummond, Tonia Mathews, and Rusty Wallace
Dark Mirror, Netherlands Media Art Institute (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Artists: Carlos Amorales, Emmanuelle Antille, Marcus Coates, Rick Buckley, Charlemagne Palestine, Jeremy Drummond, Sebastian Diaz Morales, Sterling Ruby, Joanna Rytel and Servaas, Mike Stubbs, and Mark Wallinger
Impassé, Truck Gallery (Calgary, AB), Artists: Jeremy Drummond, Adrienne Spier, Ehryn Torrell
The Centre Cannot Hold: Prospects for Suburbia, Toronto Free Gallery (Toronto, ON), Curated by Brenda Goldstein, Artists: The Arbor Lake School, Rose Bianchini, Kotama Bouabane, Jean Bridge, Michael Connor & Heather Keung, Franco DeFrancesca, Jeremy Drummond, Anthea Foyer, Emily Hogg, Vandana Jain, Caitlin Masley, Jennifer Matotek, Lorraine Oades, UPBAG, Jason van Home
Escape, Organized by Video Pool Media Art Centre (Winnipeg, MB), Venues: University of Toronto (Toronto, ON), University of Victoria (Victoria, BC), Latitude 53 (Edmonton, AB), AKA Gallery/Paved Arts (Saskatoon, SK), Group Intervention Video (Montreal, QC), Helen Pitt Gallery (Vancouver, BC), GalleryHOMELAND (Portland, OR), Eastern Edge Gallery (St. John’s, NL), Eyelevel Gallery (Halifax, NS), Harvest Works Digital Media Arts Center (New York, NY), and Video Pool Media Arts Centre (Winnipeg, MB)
Focus Quebec: Canadian Video Art, Galleria Huuto Uudenmaankatu (Helsinki and Helsingfors, Finland), Curated by Stephanie Morissette, Artists: Frederic Lavoie, Julie-Christine Fortier, Rachel Echenberg, Nikki Forest, Jeremy Drummond, and Alain Pelletier
2005 > 50% Beeld >>> NIE UW! – Montevideo on Display, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Artists: Azorro Group, Seoungho Cho, Jan de Bruin, Jeremy Drummond, Julika Rudelius, Yael Bartana, Mike Stubbs, and Paul Dougherty
Locus Loppem, Kunsthalle Lophem/Center for Contemporary Art (Loppem, Belgium), Curated by Roland Patteeuw, Artists: Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Marie Julia Bollansée, Vaast Colson, Leo Copers, Jörg Daiber, Koen De Decker, Jeremy Drummond, Charlotte Dumas, Annabel Elgar, Jef Geys, Anthony Goicolea, Elna Hagemann, Gun Holmström, Ruth Hutter, Aino Kannisto, Anke Landschreiber, Ingrid Mwangi, Petri Nuutinen, Yves Netzhammer, Monika Oechsler, Dietmar Offenhuber, Boris Ondreicka, Alien Oosting, Ria Pacquée, Marja Pirilä, Wolfgang Plöger, Minna Rainio/Mark Roberts, Dion Sanderson, Charles Sandison, Corinna Schnitt, Pekka Sassi, Anke Schäfer, George Snow, Gudrun Teich, Koen Theys, Jeroen van Bergen, Kristof Vrancken, Christiane Wöhler, Zhang Huan, and others
LA Freewaves 8th Celebration of Experimental Media Arts (Los Angeles, CA), Venues: Chinatown, Otis College of Art and Design, Broad Performance Space, Pitzer College, California State University, Northridge Art Galleries, Glendale College Art Gallery, Gallery 825, and Spruce Street Forum (San Diego)
VS, Latvian House, (Toronto, ON), Commissioned and Curated by 640480, Artists: Benny Nemerofsky-Ramsay, Copper Batersby, Vollrath, Daniel Borins, Steve Reinke, Jubal Brown , Emily vey Duke, Daniel Cockburn , Tom Sherman, Tasman Richardson , Will Munro, Jeremy Laing, Aleesa Cohene, Alissa Firth Eagland, Jeremy Drummond, Steve Kado, and Kika Thorne
These Millions: An Evening of Short Films and Videos About Buildings and People, The Khyber Centre for the Arts (Halifax, NS), Curated by Craig Buckley, Artists: Knut Asdam, Jeremy Drummond, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Charles and Ray Eames, David Poolman, Ulrike Muller, Corinna Schnitt, John Smith, Abbey Williams
Living-Room and the Toilet, Cold Creation (Barcelona, Spain), Curated by DueRo, Artists: Jordi Molla, Chiara Passa, Nelson Henricks, Gennaro de Pasquale, Jason Schiedel, Andres Senra, Mark Oliver, Dayna McLeod, Dirty Princess, Fran Garcia, Ariel Lightningchild, Jeremy Drummond, Lennie Lee, Laetitia Bourget, and David Trullo
The Hotel Movie Show, Neutral Ground (Regina, SK), Curated by Brenda Cleniuk, Artists: Etienne Desrosiers, Simon Ellis, Rae Staseson, Jeremy Drummond, Mark Bradley, Matthew Etches, Sarah Abbott, Jen Hamilton, Noam Gonick, Michael Stecky, Gabriel Lopez Shaw, Christopher Hills-Wright, Frederic Moffet, John Paskiewich, Serge Gouin, Sean Garrity, Anthony Deiter, Nikki Forrest, Genevieve Allard, Jean-Francois Valdenaire, Bently Spang, Cheyenne du Nord
Stealing to Subvert, WRO Media Art Biennale (Wroclaw, Poland) and Scratch Projections (Paris, France), Curated by Maija Martin, Artists: Dana Claxton, Tricia Middleton & Joel Taylor, Nelson Henricks, Mark Curry, Jeremy Drummond, Adbusters, Wayne Young & Shawn Durr, and Linda Wallace
Lausanne Underground Film Festival Tour, Tranzindex: Regional Workshop in Media Theory, Criticism and Creation (Romania), Locations: Vevey, Switzerland; Budapest, Hungary; Bratislava, Slovakia; Dresden, Germany; Barcelona, Spain (Alternativa Independent Film Festival)
Outskirts-Art for Suburbia, Gallery 1313 (Toronto, ON), Curated by Gary Michael Dault and Phil Anderson, Artists: Jeremy Drummond, Roger Carter, Robert Durocher, Paul Grajauskas, Marcia Hengeveld, Robert Hengeveld, Leslie Peters, Rupen and Michael Trommer
Everson Biennial, Everson Museum of Art (Syracuse, NY), Curated by Raina A. Lampkins, Whitney Museum of American Art
Come Together, House-Art Space (London, ON), Curated by Kevin Hampson, Artists: Jeremy Drummond, Shinobu Akimoto, Christy Thompson, Anne Walk
Nomad Film and Video Festival Tour, Venues: Fine Arts Cinema (Berkeley, CA), Cellspace (San Francisco, CA), Cinnabar Theater (Petaluma, CA), Matrixarts Space (Sacramento, CA), Clinton Street Theater (Portland, OR)
Foreign-Matter Tour, Presented by Antimatter Festival of Underground Short Film and Video, Curated by Todd Eacrett, Venues: Hatcham Social Club Hall (London, England), NoD/ROXY (Prague, Czech Republic), National Museum of Kraljevo (Kraljevo, Serbia), El Pochote Cine-Club (Oaxaca, Mexico)
Sensory Overload, Art Gallery of Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti, MI), Curated by John Orentlicher
Remote Control, Forest City Gallery (London, ON), Curated by Craig Buckley, Artists: Jeremy Drummond, Kelly Mark, Pascal Grandmaison, Patrick Pellerin and Eric Johnson
Selzer Pants, Smart Project Space (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Curated by Steve Reinke, Artists: Jeremy Drummond, Miranda July
In the News
"Dark Holler" featured in "What does the land know?," curated by Yaniya Lee, Dazibao Gallery/Videographe (Montreal)"
Thu., Apr. 25, 2024UR's Jeremy Drummond invites renowned film and video artists to Richmond for his series, Frames of Reference.
Wed., Mar. 6, 2024Never Met A Stranger: Old Time Mountain Music & Other Songs
Mon., Apr. 1, 2019Spaces, Places: Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival Review
Wed., May. 1, 2019Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival: 2019 Report
Fri., May. 17, 2019Ryan, Paul. "Jeremy Drummond + Rod Northcutt," Art Papers, July/August 2009 (Atlanta, GA)
MacLeod, Deborah. "Reading Between the Signs," Baltimore City Paper, 02/06/2008 (Baltimore, MD)
Halliday, Matthew. "Darkness at the Edge of Town," See Magazine, 10/04/2007 (Edmonton, AB)
Viau, Rene. "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere," Le Devoir, 04/14/07, (Montreal,QC)
Howell, Stephanie. "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere," Spacing Magazine (Toronto, ON)
Caron, Julia. "The Dismal Art of Suburbia," Arthur, 01/15/2007, Trent University (Peterborough, ON)
Leij, Machteld. "Dark Mirror," NRC Handelsblad, 10/05/2007 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Burisch, Nicole. "Impasse," Canadian Architect, 05/10/2006 (Toronto, ON)
Reynolds, Brandon. "The Fall Line-Up," Style Weekly, 08/24/2005 (Richmond, VA)
Anderson, Jason. "Images Essentials," Eye Magazine, April 7th, 2005. Vol. 14, Issue 27 (Toronto, ON)
Shields, Becky. "Straight to Video," Style Weekly, 02/27/2008 (Richmond, VA)
Davies, Jon. "Nostalgic & Nervous," Xtra! Magazine, March 31, 2005. No. 533 (Toronto, ON)
Hirschmann, Thomas. "Burb Bets," Now Magazine, (Toronto, ON)
FEEDBACK: Video by Artists Opens at the University of Richmond Museums
Mon., Jan. 17, 2011 - Links